1) Transferring of Information
Science with Miss Nicky aims to help make Science easier for your child through the
Emphasise of keywords,
Explanations of science concepts,
Introduction of model answers,
Tackling of common questions,
Deciphering graphs and tables,
Techniques to answering science experimental questions,
Hands on experiments.
Most importantly, I'm here to clear your child's misconceptions and broaden his/her knowledge of Science.
Common mistakes made by students
Science is a relatively hard-to-score subject as the marking schemes are very rigid and every little small mistake will cost your child his/her marks.
Below are real examples of mistake made by students during their examinations
1) Transfer error
One wrong word and no mark will be awarded
2) Identifying Changed variable and results
Do not get tricked by question, the sequence of changed variable and results in the question may not be in order, so students please identify the changed variable and results before answering.
John's mass is the results while the number of months after the birth is the changed variable as John's mass is affected by the number of months after birth not the other way round.
In this case, when there's a graph, the changed variable will be the one on the horizontal line while the results is the one on the vertical line.
3) Not being specific in answer
Mistake here: Not identifying where to put the ice cubes